Saturday, 26 July 2008

"Major Benjy" now available for pre-order on

As promised, here is the link to the new Tilling novel "Major Benjy" by Guy Fraser-Sampson:
Major Benjy
And here is the link again:
Major Benjy

Wednesday, 23 July 2008


After much teasing, the latest episode of Radio Tilling is now online, in time to mark Fred's 141st Birthday.
The link on the left is playing up at the moment - hopefully it will update itself shortly - in the meantime, the episode IS on iTunes; if you are already subscribed via iTunes, you should get the episode the next time your subscription updates (or you can subscribe for free by following the iTunes link o nthe left - which DOES work!)
Alternatively, you can get Episode 02 HERE

I am now planning the next episode... wish me luck!

Saturday, 19 July 2008


After trials and tribulations undeserved (well, ALMOST undeserved!) I have finally finished editing and compiling the second episode of the podcast - but I'm going to make you wait for it until July 24th - Fred's 141st Birthday!

Sunday, 6 July 2008

It's Been A Long Time...

...Since the last post, but I hope to be able to make up for this in the coming weeks and months!
Today (Sunday 6th July) I recorded an interview with author Guy Fraser-Sampson, whose new book, "Major Benjy" a new story based on the world of Mapp and Lucia, is set for publication on 1st September.
I had great fun talking to Guy about Benson, Tilling and books in general, and once the editing is finished, I hope to have it online as Episode 2 of the Radio Tilling Podcast on 24th July - Fred's 141st Birthday!
In the meantime, more information about "Major Benjy" can be found here

And UK fans can pre-order Major Benjy from (affiliate link) here

As soon as the book is available to US readers, I will add a special link for them!
Please do support this book - it is the first of a planned trilogy and is the first officially authorised novel based on Tilling since Tom Holt's excellent books way back in the 1980's!